The Key to More is Less

More money is one thing, building wealth is another

a large tree with sunshine shining through its branches

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Stuff, stuff, and more stuff — the reason we’re focused on making money in the first place is so we can spend as much of it as possible, right?

Wrong. (But you already knew that).

Unless you are actively putting your earnings toward building wealth, they’re not doing so, which raises the question: are finances dependent on how much more you earn or how much less you spend of your earnings?

Below are three ways that focusing on “less” gives you “more.”

Less goods

Even though consumerism and consumption is pushed at us constantly, it’s important to remember that having money is not the same as having lots of things that cost money. When contemplating a purchase, ask yourself if it is something you need or simply something you want.

Remember, it’s not as though money suddenly disappears if it isn’t spent on something— it transforms into savings and money you can invest, giving it the opportunity to grow into even more money. If anything, each paycheck you receive is begging to retain as much of itself as possible, so that it can multiply into an even greater amount and eventually take over the world.

Less waste

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, sustainability saves money. It ensures your purchases and practices are more worthwhile, purposeful, and have longevity. Whether it’s shopping for items secondhand, being more thoughtful about your consumption, ensuring you’re using items to their fullest, or upcycling, reducing waste leads to more savings for both your wallet and the planet.

You can read my full article expanding on this idea here.

Less bullshit

You’re spending less, wasting less, and feeling great. Why is that?

Because you, in turn, are also dealing with less bullshit.

Buying less stuff and wasting less in general requires you to analyze your spending habits which reveals what is impacting them and why. Do you actually want that fancy expensive item or do you want the status and ego boost that comes with it? What is the reason you need the latest version of something if the one you already have works fine? Are your purchasing decisions for you or for others’ opinions?

Bringing awareness to your decisions around money enables you to better match your spending to your values and ensure that your financial choices are reflective instead of reactionary, which, you guessed it, results in more savings.

Of course, the ability to set aside money requires there being enough income to do so in the first place. It is a privilege be able to choose “less” rather than to be cornered or forced into it.

With this, finances aren’t solely dependent on earning more or spending less, but on striking a balance between the two whenever possible. Learning how much is “enough” for you in terms of spending can provide the ability to save and invest anything more than that amount. It opens the door to you rather than the sources of your income having power over your financial future.

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